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W.D. Gann's Secrets Unveiled - Part 9

W.D. Gann said:

"To make a success you must continue to study past records, because the market in the future will be a repetition of the past. If I have the data, I can tell by the study of cycles when a certain event will occur in the future. The limit of future predictions based on exact mathematical law is only restricted by lack of knowledge of correct data on past history to work from."

Wow! Finally, I understand the great importance of having years of past historical data for the Indices and Stocks to make more accurate forecasts!

Recently I managed to reinstall and reactivate my Metastock Software after it became a “white elephant” when my old computer crashed a few years ago and I decided not to pay for data subscription.

Haha, now I know how to obtain free data for Metastock - upload Yahoo Finance for major stock indices, like DOW, S&P500, Shanghai Composite, Hang Seng Index, Kospi, etc. Wow! With so much historical data dating back to 1929 for DOW, now I can do better analysis and forecasts!

Guess what I discovered? An amazing tool in Metastock which helps me forecast how high or low an index might hit in a bull or bear market! Wow! I can tell it's another of those W.D. Gann's Secret Forecasting Methods! It's “Tunnel Thru the Air”!

With Metastock, I produced the DOW Chart which shows the Bear Market Signal! Now I can easily do the same for other indices!

Now I am starting to analyse historical stock charts for major stocks in my radar! Yes! It is possible to forecast when stocks will top and bottom!


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