
Showing posts with the label Resources W.D. Gann

Trust Bank Singapore, New Digital Bank Freebies!

Have you applied for your Savings Account or Credit Card with Trust Bank Singapore, Singapore's digital bank backed by a unique partnership between Standard Chartered Bank, and FairPrice Group? REFERRAL CODE: BZACYE0F ( it is a number zero, not letter ) Get $35 worth of free Fairprice vouchers and other freebies by just Downloading the Trust App and Open a Savings Account online with the App, simple/easy within 10mins!: Get free $10 Fairprice E-voucher (no minimum spend at stores/online) by entering this code ( BZACYE0F ) when apply for the Savings Account. Get free 1kg Fairprice Rice voucher Get free Kopitiam Breakfast Toast Set voucher Charge one transaction to your debit card to get free Fairprice $25 voucher (no minimum spend, at stores/online). Hack: Do a funds transfer of $1 or $10 from your own bank to Trustbank savings account. Then Just add your debit card number to Grab App, authenticate with $1 charge/refunded to your saving...

Rare Blood Moon Eclipses & 7-Year Cycle

Wow! Something very interesting and important I just read and researched upon. It gets me interested when things can be related to W.D. Gann's works, haha, as I see them. TETRADS: The Coming Blood Moons of 2014-2015, ie 4 total lunar eclipses as follows: 2014 : Total lunar eclipse April 14-15 Total lunar eclipse October 7-8 Partial Solar Eclipse Oct 23 2015 : Total Solar Eclipse Mar 20 Total lunar eclipse: April 4 Partial Solar Eclipse September 13 Total lunar eclipse: September 28 Why is this Tetrad rare? It is linked to significant Jerusalem history which happened only 3 times in more than 500 years. The coming one is the 4 th time! This coming TETRAD will occur on Jewish Holidays, that makes it RARE! 7 Year Cycle – Shemitah or Biblical Sabbatical and Jubilee Year! “ IF we are starting from the Capture of Jerusalem in 1967 making 1966 the 49th year 1 Jubilee thereafter = (7 counts of 7 Years = 49 YEARS): 1966 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + ...

W.D. Gann Secrets Unveiled Part 10

Wow!   Yes!  It works! I back-tested the data from 1999 to 2012, and also 1987, 1928 to 1933.  It works! I managed to decipher the "secret" timing method of W.D. Gann..  Yes, it is in the bible! I also found another "indicator" which can possibly help time Market Bottoms! Wow!  With the new "secret" timing method, this "indicator", combined with my Stock Market Time Clocks, I hope to huat ah!  Hope it works on the next turn!  Dun know what I'm talking about, read my previous article! I'm still working on my research.

W.D. Gann's Secrets Unveiled Part 8

Wow! I managed to decipher another W.D. Gann's Secrets in Stock Market Forecasting last night! Since I read his book some years ago, I've not been able to decipher what W.D. Gann tried to hint when he wrote his last book. Then last night, when I looked at Straits Times Index Chart, suddenly I remembered that was what I saw in W.D. Gann's book. Bingo! Now I know what W.D. Gann tried to hint! So I started looking at DOW, S&P500, etc. Wow! USA Markets drop big last night as forecasted using the method. Hooray! I'm still back testing and still trying to decipher more hidden secrets and how to use it better. Wow! It works on stocks also as I analysed a number of STI component stocks, all giving similar picture as STI. Wow! Where will Global Markets be heading? Can the method tell me?

Watch the Sky for Trends

My "sifu" said “market analysts using timing tools such as Fibonacci retracements, Elliott Wave and dynamic cycles are amazed when their projections work out only occassionally. This indicates they only have a piece of the puzzle.” People said W.D. Gann uses planetary time cycles to forecast the market directions. Hmm.... now you know why I keep finding missing pieces of the jigzaw puzzle to improve my Stock Market Time Clocks' forecasts! I tried researching and using planetary time cycles but it is not easy. What I'll do is to confirm and double confirm the turn dates provided by my Stock Market Time Clocks. Yes! I've done it, forecasting the Tops in Straits Times Index on November 9 2010 and DOW on May 2 2011. Next is to double confirm the turn dates for the next Bear Market bottom!

W.D. Gann's Secrets Unveiled - Part 9

W.D. Gann said: "To make a success you must continue to study past records, because the market in the future will be a repetition of the past. If I have the data, I can tell by the study of cycles when a certain event will occur in the future. The limit of future predictions based on exact mathematical law is only restricted by lack of knowledge of correct data on past history to work from." Wow! Finally, I understand the great importance of having years of past historical data for the Indices and Stocks to make more accurate forecasts! Recently I managed to reinstall and reactivate my Metastock Software after it became a “white elephant” when my old computer crashed a few years ago and I decided not to pay for data subscription. Haha, now I know how to obtain free data for Metastock - upload Yahoo Finance for major stock indices, like DOW, S&P500, Shanghai Composite, Hang Seng Index, Kospi, etc. Wow! With so much historical data dating back to 1929 for DOW, ...

Straits Times Index Secret Time Cycle Unveiled!

Yahoo!!! I have finally found another missing jigzaw puzzle to my Stock Market Time Clocks! I attended a seminar on Saturday and this local TA expert shared his discoveries on Straits Times Index Time Cycle plus many other techniques he used to make massive income from the stock markets. He is also another "expert" on WD Gann forecasting and trading methods. He said if WD Gann spent 10 years full-time on research to perfect his trading methods, should we not spend 1 day or 1 week full-time to research/learn? Wow! Now then I realised the "Real Expert" in Singapore is not "The Joseph Cycle"! Hahaha! I spent more than 2 years full-time researching! Finally, my Stock Market Time Clocks should be 99% accurate. Today, I managed to unveil the local TA expert's secret code for the Straits Times Index Time Cycle. Huat ah! Still more research is required. Now I'm incorporating George Lindsay's Timing Models into the Straits Times Index Time C...

WD Gann's Ultimate Secrets Unveiled!

"Seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you." “ Time is the great factor and proves all things.” “ There is a time and a season for everything, and if a man does things according to the time, he will succeed.” “ If man know there is a time to stop trying to make money and to keep what you have, then wait for another season when the time is ripe, they could continue to succeed indefinitely." “ Find the correct starting point, and know the cycle which is going to be repeated. Begin right, the right beginning will get the right ending.” "Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding.” Yes, I'm extremely happy as I have found the ultimate WD Gann Secrets to Stock Market Forecasting. “The future of Straits Times Index (STI) has become an Open Book" to me as I know when the next major top or bottom would occur with 99% certainty! This is enough for me to become successful indefinitely, to b...

3 Phases of Bear Market (2007-2017)

R.N. Elliott said the 1929 to 1942 DOW Chart Pattern is a 13-Year Triangle, comprising 5 Waves Down. Look at the 13-Year Triangle Pattern. It is a 13-Year Bear Market: 3 years bear (Wave 1), 5 years bull (Wave 2) and 5 years bear (Wave 3, 4, 5). Read “Major Works of R.N. Elliott Part 2” for my initial assessment. My sifu (“W.D. Gann Master”) said 1937=2007 in this pattern. I have a different view. Yesterday, I discovered the 2 Planets which influenced the US Markets from 1928 to 1937 are here again from 2007 to 2020. Based on my discoveries, understanding and interpretation of W.D. Gann's Secrets, below is my Stock Market Roadmap to 2017. "One Picture is worth a Thousand Words!" 3 Phases of Bear Market (2007 to 2017) – Update Oops! Just added this (5.20pm): One astrology expert said R.N. Elliott forecast the long term Bull Market will end in 2012. I cannot find this anywhere else to confirm. Will R.N. Elliott be right? W.D. Gann said : “ Hi...

W.D. Gann's Secrets Unveiled Part 7

Hmmm..! Sometimes it pays to take a break, haha “Have a Kit Kat!”. My sister bought the new Kinect Xbox. It's time to have some fun and a good workout! Wow! I need that as my “spare tire” is growing with my marathon research! So “All I Want for Christmas is ???” Ting ting ting! Wow! I input this “formula” into my Stock Market Time Clocks using a “Future Turn Date”. Guess what I discovered? November 9, 2010! Amazing! And what is November 9, 2010? Using 4 W.D. Gann's Secrets I discovered, applied on Straits Times Index (STI) and DOW, the results point to November 9, 2010 as a major turning point. Using one of these methods, points to a downturn ahead. Using the 5 th W.D. Gann's Secret, the results point to a major downturn ahead for STI and an estimated downside target. Read W.D. Gann's Secrets Unveiled Part 6 for estimated downside risk. I decided to extend my research to other major Global Market Indices using one of W.D. Gann's Se...

W.D. Gann's Secrets Unveiled Part 6

Having gained 100% confidence in my discoveries of W.D. Gann's Secrets after what happened to Global Stock Markets yesterday, I was deep into my research last night. Wow! This last phase of my research proves to be more difficult and tougher than I thought! All because I dun have a good charting tool to show me future dates! I want to complete this last phase so future turn dates and direction of markets is at least 99% correct. I'm confident of achieving it. I already know where the Straits Times Index will be heading for the next 2 years and beyond = 99% ? correct. Now, because of the obstacles I encountered, I'll complete my research for DOW (our Lao Ta = Big Brother) only to confirm it is the same as Straits Times Index, then I can remove "?" from 99%. Wow! I must complete before November 27 2010, before the free charting tool expires! Why am I so confident and dare to place 99%? Because it is W.D. Gann's Secret to Forecasting the Stock Market. ...

W.D. Gann's Secrets Unveiled Part 5

Wow! Do you noticed what happened to Straits Times Index and Regional Market Indices especially China's Shanghai Composite and Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index today, November 23 2010? I'm so excited. If my discoveries of W.D. Gann's Secrets and the Key Cycle and Causes that's controlling the Global Stock Markets now continues to work, Wow!, I can see when this "Stock Market Crash is likely to end" and when the "Bears" will go into Hibernation! W.D. Gann said "Time is the most Important". Get it right and the price will take care of itself. When Time is up, the trend will change and the price will drop. Yes, the time is up on November 23 2010 for this cycle per my Stock Market Time Clocks. W.D. Gann said there is a natural cause of cycles, a cause and effect but he thinks it will be difficult to explain the cause which many will not believe. So he focus on explaining the effects, using his various methods. Yes, there is a natural ca...

W.D. Gann's Secrets Unveiled Part 4

Hurray! I have found the last piece of the jigsaw puzzle! The final piece of "crystal" to make my Stock Market Times Clocks 99% accurate! Haha, now I am closer to being the future "W.D. Gann"! Dare to dream, dare to be different! I've done some back testing and it works "perfectly" on Straits Times Index. Need a few more days and the charting tool again, then it should be complete. Luckily I managed to get the charting tool again for 7 days free. Next, I'm going to do back testing on Dow and other major Global Market Indices to confirm. The Past is the Future. Timing the Stock Market is definitely possible with 99% accuracy! Who says there is no Holly Grail! Those who say timing the stock market is not possible, there is no Holly Grail, are those who do not understand the Stock Market and do not know how to do it! They have not read W.D. Gann's works or do not understand his works, his veiled language. Oops! Or they kne...

W.D. Gann's Secrets Unveiled Part 3

Thank God I "read" W.D. Gann's book again. I realised I "missed" some pages. Since young, I hate reading story books, so I just browsed through the book looking for "key words" which might be linked to the Stock Market. Haha, when I have time later, I'm going to read the book again. While preparing for this article, I discovered another piece of "secret" in the book. Wow! Now I should be closer to achieving my objective! W.D. Gann wrote: "It is mysterious and contains a valuable secret, clothed in veiled language. Some will find it the first time they read it, others will see it in the second reading, but the greatest number will find the hidden secret when they read it the third time." "It shows the value of science, foreknowledge and preparedness." "Seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you." "I believe this book will prove interesting and valuable to men and women in all w...

Crystal-Ball-Like Technical Tools – Bingo!

Have you read W.D. Gann's Books? Did you managed to decipher his secrets in Timing the Stock Market? Wow! Todate, I managed to decipher "the most important" W.D. Gann's "secrets": Stock Market Time Clocks – Formula to identify Dates for Market Tops and Bottoms Crystal-Ball-Like Technical Tools (See Below). I've always thought there is a secret meaning when W.D. Gann said “As above so below”, although I linked it to Astrology (Planetary movements). Yes, I'm right. I finally discovered the secret meaning 2 days ago. It's in the Crystal-Ball-Like Technical Tool #1 ! Bingo! What can this Crystal-Ball-Like Technical Tool #1 forecast? Potential Turning Points (Tops or Bottoms) Important Market Tops and Bottoms (Turning Points) Wow! This Tool helps me identify the Turn Dates provided by my Stock Market Time Clocks - will be a Top or Bottom! I also discovered another Crystal-Ball-Like Technical Tool #2 . What can thi...

WD Gann's Secrets Unveiled Part 2

Have you read any of WD Gann's works? Have you heard of the saying “ As Above, So Below” ? Did you managed to decipher what WD Gann is trying to tell us? Remember what WD Gann said: “Every movement in the market is the result of a natural law and a Cause which exists long before the Effect takes place and can be determined years in advance ." A Cause. What Cause? It is “As Above, so Below”! It's UP UP UP there! Above! In Heaven! In the Sky! It's the Planets! Watch the Sky for Trends! Key Planets have influence on what happens on Earth, the economy, the stock market, etc. Planets have planetary cycles. Their cycles 'determines' the stock market cycles, economic cycles, panic cycles, war cycles..... “ Find the correct starting point, and know the cycle which is going to be repeated. Begin right, the right beginning will get the right ending.” Got it! I 'tuned' my Stock Market Time Clocks accordingly. And... Bingo! Beg...

W.D. Gann's Secrets Unveiled?

It is said that W.D. Gann's books and courses are written in a veiled language, like the way the Bible is written. “ When you read it the third time, a new light will dawn. You will find the hidden secret, the veiled meaning and will understand why the Bible says “Seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you.” “Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding.” “Every movement in the market is the result of a natural law and a Cause which exists long before the Effect takes place and can be determined years in advance." History repeats itself. “The future is but a repetition of the past” is found in the Bible. If we can know the future, is it of value to us? “Forewarned is forearmed!” “ Get past history, find out what cycle, then predict the curve for the future.” “ Find the correct starting point, and know the cycle which is going to be repeated. Begin right, the right beginning will get the right ending.” “ Time is t...

W.D. Gann - Master of Stock Market Time Cycles

I dream, to be the next "W.D. Gann – Master of Stock Market Time Cycles, for investing"! Oops, will my dream come true? Recently, I've been very busy doing alot of research, reading the “works” of W.D. Gann, etc and testing my Stock Market Time Clocks. One “W.D. Gann” expert said maybe W.D. Gann knew the mathematical formula. But to continue to sell his forecasting services and training courses, maybe he kept it a secret. Hmm... I guess so, but he did mention one must read his “works” 3 times, then maybe will get his message (the mathematical formula). I'm still reading his "works". I have tested his Stock Market Forecasting Cycles and discovered it helped identify whether the turn date will be a top or bottom, whether it will be bear or bull cycle. Stock Market Time Clocks already incorporate W.D. Gann's “secret”! Oops...I'm still working very hard with my research, still so much more to read, analyse, tests, forecast for 2010,...