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Timing the Stock Market is Possible!

"Believe it or not, I'm walking on air. I never thought it could be so e easy. Flying away on a wing and a prayer. What could it be? .......Making all of my wishes come true!”

Finally, I'm almost there. Almost completed my study, research and testing of my creations from the Stock Market Cycle Model Formula 2!

My Creations? Yes, Stock Market Time Clocks!
  1. Singapore Straits Times Index (STI) Time Clock *
    Exact turn dates to +/- 1 or 2 days. Turn dates could be bottoms (eg March 6), tops (eg June 2), breakout upwards (eg March 19) or downwards (eg June 15), technical rebounds 9 (eg June 24).

  2. US Market Index Time Clock
    Why must it deviate from STI Time Clock? Needs further monitoring and fine tuning.

  3. Bull/Bear Markets Time Clock
    Exact turn dates of Bull/Bear Market Tops and Bottoms and Start/End dates (based on US Market)

  4. Bear Market Rallies Time Clock
    How long will it last? Depends!

(* Singapore STI is a follower of Dow/S&P500, Hang Seng Index, Nikkei, China Shanghai Composite. If you are trading these locations, except China, you should be able to use this Time Clock as reference.)

I'm still testing the Time Clocks before its ready for sharing. To increase the probability of success, I need to use my other forecasting tools to confirm the turn dates. Which one? Elliott Wave Make You Rich lor!

Watch the space on the top right corner of this blog for future Turn Dates!

Meanwhile watch/listen to the music video slideshow, Turn Turn Turn. See if you can catch “the Time of Stock Market Crash”!

"A time to Gain, A time to Lose!"

(Google blog scheduler is not working. So new articles will be posted whenever I complete writing)


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