Trust Bank Singapore, New Digital Bank Freebies!

Have you applied for your Savings Account or Credit Card with Trust Bank Singapore, Singapore's digital bank backed by a unique partnership between Standard Chartered Bank, and FairPrice Group? REFERRAL CODE: BZACYE0F ( it is a number zero, not letter ) Get $35 worth of free Fairprice vouchers and other freebies by just Downloading the Trust App and Open a Savings Account online with the App, simple/easy within 10mins!: Get free $10 Fairprice E-voucher (no minimum spend at stores/online) by entering this code ( BZACYE0F ) when apply for the Savings Account. Get free 1kg Fairprice Rice voucher Get free Kopitiam Breakfast Toast Set voucher Charge one transaction to your debit card to get free Fairprice $25 voucher (no minimum spend, at stores/online). Hack: Do a funds transfer of $1 or $10 from your own bank to Trustbank savings account. Then Just add your debit card number to Grab App, authenticate with $1 charge/refunded to your saving...

CPF@55 Policy Designed to Make the Rich Richer!

CPF@55 Policy Designed to Make the Rich Richer!

Do you know that CPF@55 policy can help you get richer with a bigger SA (Special Account Balance) after 55?

Yes, provided your are rich with a big OA (Ordinary Account Balance) and SA which exceeds the FRS (Full Retirement Sum).  Assuming you have $240k (SA), $160k (OA) and FRS is $200k, this is how you can become richer after 55:

1.  2 weeks before your 55th birthday, buy a stable Unit Trust Bond Fund with $200k SA under CPFIS/SA investment scheme (minimum $40k SA must be maintained)
2.  On your 55th birthday, CPFB will transfer $40k (SA) and $160k (OA) to your RA (Retirement Account) to form $200k FRS.
3.  Next day, sell your CPFIS/SA investment of $200k, this will be returned to your SA.
4.  You now have $200k (SA) and $0 (OA) after RA is created!

What happens on your 55th birthday if you did not do the hack (ie. step 1&3) above?  CPFB will transfer $200k (SA) to RA.  So after 55, you will have $40k (SA) and $160k (OA) instead.

How much richer can you get with the above hack?  Your $200k (SA) @4% will balloon to $296k after 10 years.  But your $40k (SA) @4% and $160k (OA) @2.5% will only balloon to $264k after 10 years.  So you will be $32k richer after 10 years if you know how to hack!

Is it legitimate?  Yes, with written confirmation from CPFB!  

So CPF@55 Policy as described above is designed to Make the Rich Richer?  

Provided you know how to hack and know how to grow your SA (with topups and transfers) before you are ready by 55?  

But why keep the hack a secret?  

Shouldn't CPF@55 Policy be made transparent to all Singaporeans?  

Where's the equality?


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