Trust Bank Singapore, New Digital Bank Freebies!

Have you applied for your Savings Account or Credit Card with Trust Bank Singapore, Singapore's digital bank backed by a unique partnership between Standard Chartered Bank, and FairPrice Group? REFERRAL CODE: BZACYE0F ( it is a number zero, not letter ) Get $35 worth of free Fairprice vouchers and other freebies by just Downloading the Trust App and Open a Savings Account online with the App, simple/easy within 10mins!: Get free $10 Fairprice E-voucher (no minimum spend at stores/online) by entering this code ( BZACYE0F ) when apply for the Savings Account. Get free 1kg Fairprice Rice voucher Get free Kopitiam Breakfast Toast Set voucher Charge one transaction to your debit card to get free Fairprice $25 voucher (no minimum spend, at stores/online). Hack: Do a funds transfer of $1 or $10 from your own bank to Trustbank savings account. Then Just add your debit card number to Grab App, authenticate with $1 charge/refunded to your saving...

Best Capital Protected Dividend Stock

I'm a long term investor for my shareholdings in NTUC Income. Regardless of bull or bear market, my capital does not depreciate in value cos it is not listed in the stock exchange. It pays good annual dividends between 5% to 8%, depending on performance. 2007 was the top of the bull run, I received the highest dividend payout. On top of this, it rewards me with bonus shares. Each share cost $10. Wah, Best of the Best FD in town!

Too bad, I cannot increase my investment in this safe haven cos NTUC puts a max. on shares each policyholder can hold. To exit, I need to give NTUC one year's notice. So you can guess lor, maybe must wait more than one year if you want to buy cos must queue up to wait for people to sell. I will not sell, will you?

I'm also a long term shareholder of NTUC Fairprice. Aiyah, this one is chicken feet lah, cost $1 only, max. even lower. Also pays good annual dividends, helps me beat inflation lor.

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