
Showing posts from June, 2010

Trust Bank Singapore, New Digital Bank Freebies!

Have you applied for your Savings Account or Credit Card with Trust Bank Singapore, Singapore's digital bank backed by a unique partnership between Standard Chartered Bank, and FairPrice Group? REFERRAL CODE: BZACYE0F ( it is a number zero, not letter ) Get $35 worth of free Fairprice vouchers and other freebies by just Downloading the Trust App and Open a Savings Account online with the App, simple/easy within 10mins!: Get free $10 Fairprice E-voucher (no minimum spend at stores/online) by entering this code ( BZACYE0F ) when apply for the Savings Account. Get free 1kg Fairprice Rice voucher Get free Kopitiam Breakfast Toast Set voucher Charge one transaction to your debit card to get free Fairprice $25 voucher (no minimum spend, at stores/online). Hack: Do a funds transfer of $1 or $10 from your own bank to Trustbank savings account. Then Just add your debit card number to Grab App, authenticate with $1 charge/refunded to your saving...

June 28 Weekly Update - Stock Market Forecast

June 28 Weekly Update - Stock Market Forecast Fengshui : Market unlikely to see strength this week. Financial Astrology : Markets likely to be highly volatile. Will markets rally or reverse after June 26 Lunar Eclipse. Technical Analysis : US markets: Markets at critical juncture. Will it rebound or decline and break the Head & Shoulder neckline?

Double-Dip Risk, No Longer Talk Only?

Prominent names are talking of possible double-dip! Below is summary of key points extracted from a recent US newspaper column posted by an Expert Stock Market Timer: George Soros: who made his billions by being ahead of important trend changes in both directions for many decades, is particularly concerned about the ā€˜austerityā€™ measures being enacted by governments around the world, including in the U.S., to tackle record budget deficits. ā€œWe have just entered Act II . . . . The collapse of the financial system as we know it is real and the crisis is far from over . . . 1930ā€™s style budget deficits are essential as counter-cyclical policies [to pull economies out of recession], yet many governments are now moving to reduce their budget deficits under pressure from financial markets. This is liable to push the global economy into a double-dip.ā€ It is ā€œinevitableā€ that Europe will be back in recession by next year. Paul Krugman : winner of the Nobel Prize for Economics in 2008, who ...

June 21 Weekly Update - Stock Market Forecast

June 21 Weekly Update - Stock Market Forecast Fengshui : Market likely to see strength this week, except for June 21 & 22. Financial Astrology : Markets likely to be highly volatile. Will markets continue to rally or reverse? It is likely to reverse on June 26 Lunar Eclipse. Technical Analysis: US markets: Will markets continue to rally or reverse? According to Stock Trader's Almanac: Week after June Triple Witching Week (TWW) is bearish. There has not been an up week after since 1998. June TWW tend to be down in flat periods and dramatically so during bear markets. Since 1991, 9 of 10 up June TWWs were followed by declines the following week.

EWI's End of Mania Era Report Free!

FREE DOWNLOAD: Like Dracula rising from his coffin after being consumed by fire, this Great Asset Mania has come back from the dead again and again. You've bared witness to the frightening monster. Its fangs drip with unsustainable government spending, overvalued stocks and fear of a so-called double dip recession. But does it have what it takes to rise once more? Or has it finally received a fatal stake in the heart? Download this FREE special report to find out . Or continue reading for details. It's true that many investors, analysts and certainly the mainstream press have been baffled by the past three years of market volatility and economic chaos. But when you read in the headlines that, "No one saw it coming," please know, dear reader, that the statement is false. A small group of analysts did see it coming, did warn their readers about it, and still do sound the alarms when necessary. But you'd be hard-pressed to hear about them from the mainstream f...

Where DOW, S&P500, Global Markets Heading?

ā€œIt is a good time to take profits in long positions in Western markets. It is also a good time to buy into the China market as the rebound signals are confirmed.ā€ Wow! Says Who? It's Daryl Guppy, who wrote a long article in the recent issue of The Edge Singapore! Below is a summary of key points to note: CHINA leads again, the first major economy that attempted to unwind the stimulus packages implemented during the global financial crisis, in terms of the potential impact of this process. The broad pattern of behaviour ā€” rapid long rally recovery followed by consolidation ā€” is initiated by the Shanghai market, which is followed by other markets with a lag of six to 18 weeks. This is simply an observation of a broad and correlated behavioural relationship, not implying Shanghai market behaviour influences the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DOW)ā€™s behaviour. Shanghai Indexā€™s fall below the lower edge of the equilateral triangle was followed by a rapid decline of 17%. Hmm....

Where is Straits Times Index Heading?

Daryl Guppy wrote an analysis on the Straits Times Index ā€“ June 16 2010. Summary of Keys Points to note: STI is showing a successful rebound from support level near 2660. This is a rally rebound, not a trend rebound, in the long term sideways consolidation pattern. The RSI can be used to generate rally entry and exit signals. A move above 70 on the RSI is an exit signal. A move below, and then above the 30 area is an entry signal for this style of rally trading. The danger with this consolidation pattern remains on the downside. The width of the trading band is measured and projected downwards. This gives a downside target near 2400, which is just above the long term historical support near 2300. The most bullish outcome is a return to the sideways consolidation that has been in place for several months. This also sees a return to range bound rally and retreat trading.

June 14 Weekly Update - Stock Market Forecast

June 14 Weekly Update - Stock Market Forecast Fengshui : Market likely to see strength this week, except for June 17 & 18. Financial Astrology : Markets likely to be highly volatile. What effect will the Lunar Eclipse on June 26 make now and thereafter? Technical Analysis: US markets: Is Wave 3 of 3 down coming next?

Unit Trust 0% Sales Charge @dollarDEX!

Wow! Unit Trusts Market is getting more competitive in Singapore! All CPFIS transactions at 0% sales charge! Yes! All funds purchased at dollarDEX under CPFIS from 8 June 2010 to 31 July 2010 will be at 0% sales charge! Wow! DollarDEX also has CPF IA Status (so CPFIS cost is lower). But, is it Time to Buy? Will Time to BUY fall within this promotion period? Hmm... I will open an account with dollarDEX first, anyway it is free for account opening. Then wait lor to see if I can take advantage of this promotion! Hurray!

June 7 Weekly Update - Stock Market Forecast

June 7 Weekly Update - Stock Market Forecast Fengshui : Market unlikely to see strength this week. June 9 might have some strength Financial Astrology : Markets likely to be highly volatile. Will the Bullish Planets win the battle or will it help the Bearish Planets win the battle? Will markets drop or rally another 1000 points? Technical Analysis: US markets: When the right shoulder of the H&S pattern is complete, a break of neckline confirms further decline.

June 2010 Stock Market Forecast

June 6 to July 6, 2010 This is the Yang Water Horse month. Water dominating the first half of the month brings control and dampens the financial market. Market is likely to be volatile. Equity markets likely to be weak in first half, likely to see strength during the second half of the month. Favourable industries/sectors: Water, earth and fire Financial Astrology: June is likely to be a highly volatile month. Remember middle of year is likely to be bearish. Watch these dates: June 6 ā€“ Jupiter enter Aries June 7 ā€“ Mars enter Virgo June 8 ā€“ Jupiter Uranus Conjunction June 12 ā€“ New Moon June 21 ā€“ Summer Solstice June 26 ā€“ Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse Technical Analysis: US Market: Though there is no Hindenburg Omen (HO) yet, another indicator similar to HO indicates a possibility of stock market crash coming over the next several months. When the Head & Shoulder Patterns are complete and the neckline is broken, markets are likely to continue the waterfall decline d...

Crystal-Ball-Like Technical Tools Part2

How reliable are these Crystal-Ball-Like Technical Tools? I prefer Crystal-Ball-Like Technical Tool #2 . It is so powerful and amazingly accurate for long term forecasts as well as short term. But it works with much higher reliability for long term forecasting. That's exactly what I'm looking for. Yes, Focus on the Big Picture and Big Profits will follow! So how powerful and reliable is Crystal-Ball-Like Technical Tool #2? Starting with 2000 Top, it gave the 2002 Bottom, 2007 Top, 2009 Bottom and 2010 Top Starting with 2002 Bottom, it gave the 2007 top, 2009 Bottom and 2010 Top Starting with 2007 Top, it gave the 2009 Bottom, 2010 Top Whether I apply the Tool on Dow, S&P or Straits Times Index (STI), gave the above same results! Wow! Wow! Wow! So, Where are Global Markets Heading Next ?

NTUC Income Share Pays 9% Dividend!

Wow! A record dividend payout for NTUC Income Shareholders! I just received my dividend statement for Financial Year 2009. NTUC Income had approved payment of a dividend of 6% plus a special dividend of 3% = total 9% for FY 2009. Wow! Money will be credited to my bank account on June 3 2010. Hurray! On top of this, NTUC Income also rewarded policy holders with special bonus for their insurance policies plus a special Cash Bonus Payout! Wow! Best Capital Protected Stock in Singapore! Interested to find out more about NTUC Income Shares? Read this latest as of this posting.